Wealth & Generation Planning

Secure your wealth legacy by establishing a foundation

Foundations are well suited to offer practical and flexible structures for a multitude of purposes including: private wealth management and preservation, succession planning, tax planning, charitable institutions, asset protection, corporate structuring and creditor protection.

Foundations are generally created to protect the wishes of the Founder being an individual or corporate body. When established by the Founder their assets are transferred and the legal title transferred to the Foundation. Importantly this allows the Foundation to own and hold assets either its own name or on behalf of the beneficiaries offering a layer of separation between the Founder, the assets and their estate

With proper wealth planning you can

Structure wealth tax-efficiently

Reduce risks to your wealth

Provide liquidity

Maintain confidentiality

Ease business succession

Enable philanthropic interests

How Trinity Group can help

We’re committed to opening doors to a business-friendly environment for our clients. If you’re looking to set up a foundation, Trinity can help with market-leading expertise in business setup, registration and support services. We are uniquely positioned to help businesses grow and take advantage of the wealth of opportunities:

  • A fast and straightforward incorporation process
  • Simple migration from various global jurisdictions
  • Robust compliance procedures
  • A welcoming and encouraging business environment

Strategically located in the heart of the Middle East and within easy reach of Asia and North Africa, the United Arab Emirates, or UAE as it is commonly known, offers an attractive and flexible framework for international trade and investments.


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